How is Technology Helping to Revamp the Face of Education?

How is Technology Helping to Revamp the Face of Education?


“With the help of technology, teachers will be leaders in the transformation of education around the world.” – Craig R Barrett


As a parent, you always strive to bestow your child with nothing but the best. The same holds true in the case of education as well. Your deepest desire is to admit your child to a school that does not just supports academic excellence but also prepares your child for the future. Right?

In today’s times, it is safe to state that a school that backs the union of technology and education comes out as the best choice for your child.

As per Holon IQ, the global education technology market is expected to reach $404 billion by 2025. These are big numbers in itself.

Considering this development, we, at The Tribhuvan School, one of the top schools in patna, have successfully integrated the latest technological know-how with our academic deliverables.

There is no denying that technology is at the forefront of revamping the face of education goes. Let us see how in this article below.

What is technology?

“It’s not that we use technology, we live technology.” – Godfrey Reggio

Irrespective of the field you pick, technology has the power of streamlining processes and simplifying operations. Most importantly, technology brings together impactful tools that aid development. Multiple sectors and industries use technology to solve complex problems.

The best part about technology is bringing the world closer by backing interactions and making the exchange of information a cakewalk. The takeaway here is that technology, if used smartly, can have a life-changing impact. Thus, there is no harm in adding a touch of technology to the educational system. A revolution like this can transform the field of education into a far better, much-more advanced arena.

Technology finding its way into the realm of education

Now that we know that bringing together the best of technology and education can prove beneficial to children, let us look at different ways of doing so:

  • Investing in smart classrooms:

One of the first ways of adding a glimpse of technology to the educational structure is by welcoming the concept of smart classrooms. In simple words, a smart classroom aims to use technological expertise to bring out the best results.


For starters, such classrooms do not rely on traditional blackboards. They are more inclined towards using interactive whiteboards.  A 2020 survey stated that 33% of the schools worldwide have introduced the use of whiteboards.


An equal amount of attention is placed on classroom aesthetics. Children are taught in spacious classrooms that come complete with better lighting and ambiance. Likewise, emphasis is placed on using projectors and audio-visual tools to impart knowledge to children.


It is in this kind of environment that children thrive and grow. With this in mind, we at The Tribhuvan School have put in our best efforts to design smart classrooms that make learning an effective and enjoyable experience for the young budding geniuses at our school.


  • Turning to PowerPoint Presentations:

It is common for teachers to face difficulties in keeping children hooked. When a teacher teaches by reading out aloud from a book or making notes on the blackboard, children mostly lose interest within a few minutes along the road of learning.


On the other hand, if the same concepts are taught using a PowerPoint Presentation, the chances of getting children interested are much higher. Such presentations come loaded with graphics and bulleted points, which make it easier for children to grasp even the most complicated concepts. They start developing a liking for subjects that they might otherwise dislike.


Let us say, with a presentation before their eyes, students find themselves in a better position to memorize the concepts. This method also does away with the boredom and monotony that is a result of mugging up from the textbooks.


  • Hosting virtual tours:

Children love field trips because they prefer practical learning over theoretical impartment. However, what is important is a balance between the two aspects, which is what technology brings to the table.


It is disappointing when field trips are canceled due to last-minute logistical issues. Sudden cancellations disrupt the learning flow. To avoid putting children in a spot, technology can be utilized to take children on virtual tours. Be it information about a foreign country, a look into any famous historical place, or concepts that are rare to a certain location; technology makes exploration easier.


At The Tribhuvan School, positioned among the top schools in patna, we are at the forefront of making the most of the utilities that the vast spectra of technology offer. There is no exaggeration in stating that methods like these have a major role to play in building children’s interest in the educational curriculum.


  • Introducing digital calendars:

In today’s date, the field of education has become vast and widespread. Gone are the days when a select number of textbooks helped in imparting knowledge to children.


Today’s children are inquisitive. They have many questions in mind for which they seek answers. This is exactly why it has become crucial for teachers to conduct different sessions, events, and workshops in class.


At times, it can become a tedious task for students, parents, and teachers alike to keep track of all such happenings. How to tackle such situations?


Well, an easy way out is to select a digital calendar and keep all updates marked in the same. By opting for this alternative, parents can be kept well aware of the kind of education that their children are receiving. This simple step can help parents participate in their children’s learning in some way or the other.


  • Exploring online feedbacks:

It often happens that while teachers may be using Method A to impart knowledge to children, the latter would be seeking Method B. Unless and until children come out in the open and get a chance to express their opinions, teachers will never be in a position to improve their teaching methodologies.


This is exactly why feedback mechanisms have started gaining momentum in the world of education. It is understood that schools have trouble conducting surveys and polls using physical survey forms. This is mainly because every school has a large number of pupils and recording each response on a piece of paper is next to impossible.


Furthermore, even if every response is recorded, there is still scope for manual errors, which would impact the accuracy of the feedback exercise.


Contrary to this, if schools turn their attention to online feedback methods such as an online survey and poll, the results are easily recordable. Moreover, the exercise will be a success, as the real outcome would come out in the open, which would help schools and teachers to alter their teaching methods accordingly. This is exactly what we, at The Tribhuvan School, stick to and follow, and it has always helped us to come up with better learning methodologies.


  • Assigning online homework:

Education is incomplete in the absence of homework assignments that help to keep a track of the learners’ understanding of the concepts. Even though the practice for years has been to assign homework physically and get it checked individually, the entire affair is quite time-consuming.


There are times when children lose track of their homework and end up not completing assignments. On the other hand, teachers find it difficult to assess homework in a constructive way, as there are heaps of books to look into.


To aid with these complexities, it makes sense to turn to assigning homework online. When this is done, children can prioritize their homework basis the date of completion. Likewise, it makes it easier for teachers to plan and supervise the homework.


Moreover, this approach helps teachers in understanding the areas where children may be lagging and accordingly offer feedback so that they can work on further improvement.


At The Tribhuvan School, we use technology to our advantage and make sure that it helps our faculty members in paying individual attention on every child. We believe this is the first step towards helping children in learning better.


  • Power of video learning:

It is high time to accept that video-based learning is far more impactful and engaging. Moreover, by working on the student’s engagement levels, videos help children in grasping concepts better. This, in turn, helps them in coming up with better learning outcomes.


It is worth mentioning that videos have been at the forefront as far as remote learning is concerned. The Covid-19 times are enough proof. During this period, schools did not just float learning across the online platforms, but at the same time, worked towards developing engaging tools such as learning videos to help children stay on the same page as the teachers.


  • Best of social media:

No denying, most children of the 21st-century enjoy spending time across different social media channels. At first, even though this may seem like a waste of time, there are ways in which the effectiveness of these platforms can be harnessed.


Teachers can begin by finding out a social media platform where most children in the class are active. Once that is known, a group or page can be built on the concerned platform. Next, the group or page can be used to discuss study topics or take any incomplete discussion further.


Thus, social media is a bane is nothing but a myth. As long as we know how to make smart use of these platforms, there is nothing to lose.


At The Tribhuvan School, one of the top schools in patna, we have always been extremely tech-savvy. By no means have we tried to curb its growth. In fact, we have consistently worked towards using technology in the interest of our students.


Simultaneously, we have made sure that students understand the pros and cons associated with technological upgrades. We believe this can help them in using technology to their benefit without losing direction.


  • Game-based learning:

At The Tribhuvan School, we firmly believe that games are not always about mindless playtime. Here again, it all comes down to using the gaming arena smartly.


Educational games are a thing in itself as they can help children in learning with a creative bent. Not to forget, games can be customized to suit the learning needs of children. By including games in the educational curriculum, children’s engagement levels can be improved by manifold.


The best part about this form of learning is that it helps children to think on their toes. Some of these games require children to work in groups and collaborate with their peers. Thus, apart from imparting knowledge, game-based learning also helps children in understanding the importance of communication and teamwork.


In the end, it all comes down to using the world of games in the interest of education.


  • Extended learning opportunities:

Education need not hundred percent be inclined towards using a mix of technology from the online world. Traditional learning is the core of education in India, which is why it is something, which cannot be totally done away with.


An appropriate approach here should be to use an alloy of the best from both the worlds. For instance, a teacher may have introduced a concept in class. The textbook might not highlight all aspects of that concept. This is where it would help children to go beyond books and get to know more about that concept. Children can turn to the internet for help.


However, it is important that children are informed about using this medium only to gain better insights into their study concepts and not for any other purpose. It would help to avoid giving children a free hand immediately. They need to be guided well.  This becomes possible if technology and the internet is used in the class itself. Children will be surprised with the gamut of knowledge that they will be able to gather at a click of the button.


It is worth noting here that as per facts, 82% of the children are of the opinion that by merging technology and education, they will be able to spend more time studying. This has a lot to do with technology offering them a lifted access to things.


At The Tribhuvan School, recognized among the top schools in patna, we constantly educate our students about the apt use of technology. We give them a first-hand experience inside the school itself. Our faculty members are always available to aid children in case they need help with using any tool or software that can open up an umbrella of knowledge before them.

Technology-aided learning – A boon for children!

  • Better learning access:

The old system of education was framed in such a way that if your child had to miss school on a certain day, he would miss whatever was taught in school on that particular day. This was quite a common scenario because it is not possible for teachers to keep revising the same concepts as the vast curriculum needs to be completed within a certain stretch of time.


This limitation has been overcome to a huge extent with the use of technology. Technological advancement has made it possible for teachers to record everyday classes. This has dual benefits.


Firstly, if a child has not been able to attend the class for some reason, these recordings can aid the process of learning. On the other hand, if a child has found it difficult to grasp everything that was taught in class, he can always go back to the recordings and get the concepts revised.


In addition to this, technology has also made it possible for children to learn while still sitting in any part of the world. After all, with the pandemic forcing schools to shut down, it was because of technology that children could continue to learn. Thus, it is clear that technology indeed offers greater learning access to children.


  • Supports independent exploration:

When children are taught from books, their exposure gets limited. They learn only what is available in the book, mug up information, and appear for examinations. Even though this has been the trend for many years, things are fast changing now.


Today, children are curious to know more. They are not hesitant to ask questions. Above all, they are in a constant quest to know more and learn more. They want to further seek answers that may not be available in the textbooks.


This is where technology comes to children’s aid. We, at The Tribhuvan School, have seen that when children are introduced to different subjects and concepts by using a mix of book-based theory and technological upgrades, they get the opportunity to significantly expand their knowledge horizons. With the support of technology by their side, they don’t have to depend merely on textbooks. They can go beyond the books to get deeper insights into the concepts.


We, at The Tribhuvan School, believe that though children must progress academically, it is important that they are also prepared for growing into better and smarter individuals. We want our pupils to look for the deeper meaning of things. We wish to instill independent thinking and learning in children, which to a great extent becomes possible by adding a touch of technology to education.


  • Aids in career progression:

We are currently in a technological age, wherein no function can move ahead in the absence of technology. Even if it does, the result is not optimal.


The same ideology is applicable in the case of education as well. When children are imparted knowledge in school, the report card does not show the complete picture. Though passing with flying colors deserves appreciation, scores alone will not help children with their career progression.


Irrespective of the sector your child chooses to pursue his career in, basic technological information is necessary. Look at it this way – If a company has to choose between an individual who is technologically driven and the other, who is averse to technology, who do you think will grab the position? There is no surprise that the former has brighter chances of being selected.


Thus, inculcating glimpses of technology in education will not just prepare children for school but will have a greater contribution to make towards the child’s career growth and progress.


  • Helps in active learning:

At The Tribhuvan School, we firmly believe that an ideal classroom is one where children are enthusiastic about learning. It is always good to see children interacting in class.


We have seen that technological introductions help to make the class atmosphere livelier. It levels up children’s concentration levels and makes their understanding of the concepts even stronger. It is clearly evident that children learn better when they become a part of the learning module. They remain better involved in the learning process and are in a good position to remember everything that is taught in class.


As one of the top schools in patna, we, at The Tribhuvan School, we always strive to ensure that no child lags behind. Our faculty members lay emphasis on paying attention to the progress of every child. There are no judgments involved. And this is exactly where technology has been helping us a lot. We have incorporated technology in our teaching-learning process in such a manner that every child enjoys the opportunity of learning at his own pace. Technology is indeed aiding a lot to build genius minds at our school, and how!


  • Offers an array of useful resources:

If the child faces any difficulty in understanding a concept, he no longer has to rely on the textbooks alone but can rather take help from the internet, which is likely to provide the child with a sea of information regarding that particular concept. There are a number of useful resources available all over the internet, which can make the entire process of learning and understanding a lot smoother for the child.


Learning never stops when you have technology in hand. This means whatever concept you choose, you can always try to go deeper in order to understand it better. By including technological insights in the field of education, it becomes possible to widen the umbrella of knowledge through which children can improve their learning graph.


  • Supports multiple learning styles:

Children can be taught using different learning styles. However, schools that focus solely on theoretical knowledge may not be in a position to put different learning styles into practice.


Even though this might not seem like a big deal at first, in reality, it is a big deal indeed! If a child is unable to cope with one learning style, there must be a cushion to switch to another learning style.


This is where technology has a major contribution to make towards. For instance, there are learners who are more comfortable with audio learning. These students are likely to excel with the support of recorded classes, podcasts, and audiobooks. Then there are the visual learners, who require more than just the spoken words to learn. Such students are comfortable learning using tools, which are visual-oriented. Lastly, there are tactile learners who have no interest in monologues. It is difficult to hold their attention for long periods. For such children, a mix of different methodologies is likely to work wonders. These children prefer interactive learning to any other form of learning. This is because they like to remain involved in the process of learning at all times.


Technological introductions in the field of education have indeed assisted many children. Thus, it is important to pick up whatever possible and align it with the child’s interest. The end goal should be for the kids to learn while still enjoying the process of learning.

Technology has touched education in multiple ways

If you were to take a few steps in the backward direction, you would realize that education then and now is very different. There was a time when teachers were only stuck to traditional teaching methods, such as using the blackboards and reading out aloud in the class.

However, now, the times have changed. Gone are the days when monologues were a thing. Today’s age is all about dialogue and two-way communication. This has, in turn, led to technology finding its way into the field of education.

The role of technology is not to do away with the existing learning setup. The idea is rather to support and boost traditional methods. In the end, it does not matter which method is being adopted; what is more important is whether children are enjoying the process of learning, and if yes, are they learning well!

Technology has helped widen the umbrella of education to an extent wherein it has brought out the best of holistic development. Studies suggest that 63% of students are of the opinion that by using technology in education, they feel better prepared for class.

At The Tribhuvan School, one of the top schools in patna, we have always been open to the idea of welcoming change. One such change that we have not just accepted but made our best efforts to tweak in the interest of our students has to do with imbibing technology in education.

Our goal is to help children excel in not just academics but rather holistically. We aim to prepare our pupils to take over the world when they step out to pursue their careers. We are prepping up our students for the future, and technology is being a great aid in that direction.

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